I've been doing Ravelry swaps for over six months now. I enjoy getting to know the wonderful knitters around the world and sharing yarns from where we are. These women have truly inspired me to do things I otherwise might not have. For one, I've sold some purses, second, I've knit some crazy complicated items, and third I've taken some very different knitting classes. Sure it's about knitting but because I have that confidence I have the confidence to do other things now too. Just the other day I reapplied for school so I can finish what I started, and I'm also looking at doing some other things.
Some other great things that have come from these swaps are surprises! There is a group I belong to, Swaps of Colors and Themes and the ladies all know I sew because we had two people flake out and I helped fill in by sending some purses. Well, just yesterday I received a package in the mail from one of the ladies who wants me to take the next step and start selling my products online. She sent me a bunch of Vogue sewing magazines and catalogs and even some knitting booklets for babies and small children. I was so very touched I cried. It's crazy how someone you will probably never meet can touch your heart so very much!!!
On a slightly different note, I joined a group, Guilty Pleasures/Good Karma where we send out amazing luxury packages, but before we can take part we have to knit up something for donation or make a monetary donation to a charity. Well, it felt good to not only donate some knitted goods, but also know there is a whole group of ladies doing the same thing. Then we all ship out a package to an assigned partner with luxury items. Well, I got my dream yarn which came all the way from India! And some other awesome indie yarns which makes me so happy. My swap partner also sent me some other awesome luxury items like some cool colorful knitting needles and some super awesome body scrub stuff. Here are some pictures!
While some of you may feel these swaps are just crazy nonsense, they help this stay at home mom feel warm and fuzzy which is all that matters!