I have always loved coffee since I was probably 8.
For my coffee addiction I have learned how to make an assortment of coffees thus purchasing many coffee makers. My favorite is the a very simple french press which I recently dressed up with a skein of yarn from a swap.
Along with that, I have a run of the mill drip coffee maker for normal people who enjoy a regular cup of coffee. Lastly an old fashion percolator coffee maker, for the stove top or mainly camping as it's easy to clean and use and requires no electric.
To make a long story short I was doing some spring cleaning and much to my surprise I found back my awesome and much loved Turkish coffee grinder. I accquired mine at a Bosnian flee market in Tusla, but I'm sure they have them around here. So, this morning I rushed to get up and make myself a cup of traditional Bosnian coffee or sludge as we nicknamed it. This closes mimics a Turkish coffee only the more old fashion, lets say. I took apart the ginder and cleaned it since it hadn't been used in about 5 years and put it all back together. Simple! I ground my coffee into the fine powder and it smells like heaven already and I test the powder to see if it's just as fine as I remember and much to my surprise it is even more fine. Eek! I whip up a batch in my saucepan pour myself a small coffee cup full. Mind you their coffee cups hold maybe 2 oz and our regular cups measure about 6-8 oz and mind is a full 14 oucner. Eep!
I am in pure bliss with my coffee this morning. Did my taste change? Have I now grown more accustom to the stronger coffee. Trust me, I'm totally wired this morning as this coffee has those superfine grounds mixed right in the water and there is no filter.
Lastly, here is a picture of my Bosnian coffee set which was taken right before Kadira and I had coffee. I think this was the first time I made the coffee and she said it was okay. Yay!